Company Registration in Pakistan


More info can be found in the description tab below. All government expense is included in the processing fee.



Private Limited Company Information

Services Included: Registration from SECP & FBR, True Certified copy of SECP for bank accounts. Govt fee will be paid by us.

Requirements: Owners CNICs copies, Business address, three purposed business names, owner emails and phone numbers (phone numbers must be registered on owners own CNICs).  Partnership among owners’ detail i.e. designations and %age of shares.

Time: Two working days are required to complete registration.

SMC (Single Member Company) Private Limited Company Information

Services Included: Registration from SECP & FBR , True Certified copy of SECP for bank accounts. Govt fee will be paid by us.

Requirements: Owner CNIC copy, Business address, three purposed business names, owner email and phone number (phone number must be registered on owner own CNIC) and nominee CNIC copy. Nominee can be anyone of owner brother, sister, wife, husband, mother, father, son or daughter having a valid CNIC.

Time: Two working days are required to complete registration.


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